Buying business, upcoming negotiations on the subject of cooperation, plans for a merger, planning a deal – in all these cases, it is important to ensure the partner is reliable. Due diligence will allow the mechanism of your business to work smoothly and accurately, achieving your goals. So, what is the purpose of the procedure? 

Due diligence – comprehensive verification of transactions and investment objects

In the world of serious business, any risk must be considered. The trust exists only between a few long-term partners whose interests coincide and are directed towards the same goal. However, even trust relationships are sealed by legal agreements with detailed rights and obligations. The due diligence service is a deep multi-level due diligence of a company. The term is a literal translation from English that sounds like “due diligence.” It is prudence that is one of the most important factors for the success of any business. This procedure aims to analyze the planned transaction’s usefulness, profitability, and legality and to study the pros and cons. Due diligence allows you to minimize and sometimes eliminate possible legal, political, economic, tax, and marketing risks in the field of entrepreneurial activity. There is a separate form of due diligence check for each of the above areas.

Who needs due diligence?

So, in what situations do investors turn to experts for due diligence? First of all, in mergers and acquisitions, in the acquisition of securities, assets of the enterprise, and its shares. Verification is also useful when buying real estate (to verify the legality of property rights) or selling it (to realistically assess its value).

In any situation where you need a true and unbiased professional opinion about the subject of a future transaction, whether it is investing, providing a loan, sponsorship, or financing startups that are now fashionable. In addition, due diligence is a way to ensure that your potential partners’ activities are legal. And legal expertise is here, like checking the teeth of a purchased horse because a horse is, in most cases, not a gift. By the way, the valuation of assets in the process of donation and inheritance is also inseparably linked with due diligence. The analysis results in an analytical report containing information obtained in many ways about the company with which the client plans to make a deal.

What company areas should be checked?

Conducting this analysis aims to obtain reliable and up-to-date information; independent sources are often involved in the procedure. 

In due diligence, experts conduct an in-depth analysis of the following companies sectors:

  • The financial and economic activity of the enterprise;
  • Constituent and legal documents;
  • The current value of the company;
  • The current state of the business, economic indicators, and information on the financial side of the issue;
  • External factors and related problems affect the company’s operation (for example, the dollar exchange rate);
  • Forecast of development and growth in the value of tangible and intangible business assets.

In particular, the reason for this is that the company being audited is sometimes not interested in providing all the requested information and by all means tries to hide the information about its activities that can affect the price of the upcoming transaction, or rather lower it. In this regard, the company carrying out the due diligence often acts like a detective, extracting the necessary data in the format of an independent investigation.